Ramblings On...SPN: Why the Hell/Dream Theories Make Me Wig Out Like Rigby Reardon Hearing "Cleaning Woman"

Theories, theories everywhere!  And with all I've seen/ heard about LA Con (or BurCon, whatever) I felt that it was high time I actually voiced why I dislike the theories circulating regarding what is going on with Supernatural and the possibility that what is going on right now is only a dream, or that Sam is still in Hell.

Did you ever watch the movie/read the book Misery?  Clearly Annie Wilkes is psychotic, but one of the things she mentions made total sense to me.  She was demanding Paul bring Misery back to life--as he had killed her at the end of the new book.  The way he decided to bring Misery back made Annie even angrier.  She talked about the old movies she would go see, and how they would end each time with a cliffhanger.  She recounted one where the hero literally went over the cliff.  She couldn’t wait for the next week’s installment to see how the hero survived!  That next week, they replayed the scene and he jumped out of the car before it went over.  This upset her--it was a cheat.  He didn’t get out of the car!  She demanded (and although her reaction is crazy, her reasoning is sound) that Paul deal with the story he had created.  Misery was dead and buried.  He would have to start there.

That is how I feel about the Supernatural story that has been created.  Now, before I get put on Clif’s “watch list” and potentially banned from future conventions, please understand it is the SENTIMENT I am talking about, not her crazy way of getting what she wants! But moving along...

I feel that rebooting the plot, taking it back, negates all the growth the characters have made.  I feel it trivializes what they have been through.  It makes their pain, hopes and dreams inconsequential. I also find it very difficult to rectify such a scenario since we have had perspective stories.  If it is in Sam’s head, how do any of the episodes in Dean’s perspective, or when Dean is apart from him, make sense?  Sam can’t live in Dean’s body.  In dreams we don’t imagine things we are not a part of...at least I don’t.  The same for Dean.  And what about the episode entirely in Castiel’s perspective?  how would that make a lick of sense in Sam’s mind?

As far as the Hell idea, I see similar problems as those mentioned in a dream sequence.    I suppose there is some validity to the idea that a part of Sam’s Hell could potentially be how miserable Dean has been for the last two seasons and seeing Dean self destruct.  But then there is another part of that.  Sam and Dean, for the first time in the series, seem to be on the same page.  They are doing things for each other. They aren’t self motivated.  It isn’t like the first couple seasons with Sam wanting revenge for Jess.  We don’t have Sam lying to Dean and sleeping with that Demon whore (well, as cute as Gen is, Ruby was a bitch), all the while getting addicted to demon blood.  Lies that either make are the kind we make to spare someone we love from pain we want to protect them from.  I can’t imagine that Sam’s Hell would include actually getting along with his brother....I just can’t.  I have loved what has being going on in Season Seven.  I don’t want to deny the Winchesters any of the gains they have made this season.  They have been fighting and killing on their own again. Without angels, with very little assistance.  I'm proud of how far they have come.  I don't want to see that marginalized.

It seems to me that maybe the people ready to chalk it up to this type of theory  are doing so because of a dislike for the current storyline. I don’t think negating the two years is a viable option. The past is done.  Start where we are now.  If the writers want to bring back past characters, they need to find way to bring them back that will make sense and work...

Since I’m being all open about this, I will finally admit there was one thing about Exile on Main Street I hated.  What did I hate?  That the first episode back after the Apocalypse dealt with the djinn.  I can’t explain how upset I was with that.  To me, I felt that the writers had given themselves an easy out.  If no one likes what we do with the storyline, then Dean never got out of that djinn induced coma.

In the beginning of the episode, Dean is in the bar, he gets that cute arm touch by the waitress who we find out later was a djinn. Once he gets outside, he hears something across the street.  This is when it happened.  He started hallucinating.  But what if it wasn’t a hallucination?  What if at that moment when he and his neighbor were going to part ways, he actually passed out on the pavement and went into a djinn induced coma right there?  We know from “What Is and What Should Never Be” that if Dean had stayed in the dream the couple weeks the djinn was draining him would have seemed like a lifetime.  Who knows how long a couple years would take in a coma?  Dean’s dream last time was that mom never died.  I imagine since Dean never stopped trying to find a way to save Sam that he would wish for his brother to be back...and let’s face it...we all know one needs to really watch what he/she wishes for...he probably wouldn’t have thought to ask for his brother to be back with soul intact...

I honestly think that is the only way that a dream theory could work.  Not Sam’s dream, but Dean’s...and that it was never real.  If the djinn didn’t have the chance to make another pass at Dean, then maybe the original poison would wear off after a few days.  Dean would wake up in a hospital bed with Lisa there, probably holding his hand, asleep in a chair by his bed, or curled up on the bed with him...
This fear went through my head at the beginning of season six when I watched the episode.  I was so afraid of the idea of a self fulfilling prophecy, that I dared not give words to it by writing it down. When the X-Files came to an end, I feared that Chris Carter and the gang were going to do something similar.  I was afraid they would take it back to when Scully had to rescue Mulder from the operating table...That she never actually did and everything after was all in Mulder’s head.  Remember Mulder had been in a dream during that time where he married Diana and lived a street over from Deep Throat and the Cigarette Smoking Man.  Likewise, when Buffy ended, I feared Joss would do that...Remember the episode where Buffy was dosed with demon juice and she “woke up” in a mental institution and her parents, etc were trying to get her to believe that she had been there since her breakdown when she burned down the gym (alluding to the movie, prior to the series) and that Willow and Xander were made up friends keeping her in her delusion.
So there is my two cents on the topic, for what it is worth.  I could write probably a lot more on the topic, but I think I’ve belabored the point enough...for now...CLEANINGWOMAN!!!!!!


  1. I understand what you're saying about the whole dream/Hell idea feeling like a cheat. But I don't entirely agree. For one thing, I don't think the writers have worked themselves into a corner with this storyline, which is usually when they resort to these kinds of tricks. There is still plenty to explore going down the current path, in my opinion, which to me makes this more about just telling a different story. About making different, maybe better (tho knowing Sam and Dean probably not) choices and seeing where they end up this time. For all we know, they could still wind up exactly where they are, just for different reasons.

    I also think that, truthfully, there is no real closeness for Sam and Dean to lose this season. Regardless of the reasons why, Sam has been lying to Dean and hiding the true extent of his illness all along. That's not true closeness. And Dean...Dean has been so wrapped up in himself* that he can't see that Sam, formerly his number one priority, is slowly disentegrating right in front of him.
    *Don't get me wrong, Dean has every right to be this way right now. It's about time, tbh...it's just incredibly poor timing for a meltdown.

    I personally think it was brilliant writing. Give us the illusion of what we want, while still maintaining the dramatic tension between Sam and Dean--but that's all it is, an illusion. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing them reset this--I'd like to see how things would play out when one of them has a little potential foreknowledge and what OTHER mistakes they would make trying to correct them. Maybe create an actual bond between them, rather than the house of cards built on lies and grief that we currently have. I wouldn't even mind giving Castiel a chance to make different, better choices.

    A word on what was said in the QnAs...Jared never actually answered my question about how far back they might go. He mentioned that he didn't think they could go too far back because he and Jensen look significantly different now...he also said it would be difficult for Genevieve to return as Ruby. Jensen flat out said he didn't think they'd rewind more than S7.
    And all of this is just speculation between the two of them, for the most part...they both really like the idea but it hasn't been discussed with anyone who could actually make it happen yet that they know of.


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