Mum! I got my letter!

I was a Star Wars kid. that was my childhood. The first movie my parents ever brought me to see was Star Wars: A New Hope. I was only about six months old, and they went to the local drive-in. I obviously have no recollection of this. But the first movie I remember seeing was The Empire Strikes Back. I went with my parents and my little brother. My four year old heart fell in love for the first time that day. I was in love with Han Solo. My love for Han, which made me shreek and cry when he was put into the carbon freeze, my love that still won't allow me to watch the end of The Empire Strikes Back without watching at least the beginning of The Return of the Jedi, has shaped the way I look at men. It is probably fairly clear to you now why I love Dean Winchester...

I had many of The Empire Strikes Back action figures. And when I was in my bed, I tried to will the light switch to flip on and off using "the Force", much like Silent Bob was always trying to levitate that cigarette.

In November of 2001, I was getting ready for exams in my second year of law school. My best friend from high school had a couple of her cousins who wanted to see this movie Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone. To be honest, I really wasn't interested in going. I was all set with kids. I was in my mid twenties, in law school, attempting to be seen as an "adult". For whatever that was worth...But I went with her and her cousins Nicole and Kevin, because I felt it was the friend thing to do. I hadn't read any of the books. They were children's books! I didn't even read children's books when I was a child! I who read Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath by nightlight when I was twelve. What could this series possibly have for me.

But from the beginning, everything about it was a marvel. The music spoke of magical, whimsical things. A small, undersized boy with glasses living in the cubbard under the stairs found a place he was important, and friends that meant the world to him and were willing to do anything for him. I left the theatre amazed by the experience, in love with the story. I knew then that this was Loni's cousins'Star Wars. This was the next magical experience.

The very next moment I could I went to Media Play and picked up all four of the books that were out. I knew the series was to go to Book Seven--one for each year at Hogwarts. Goblet of Fire was still in hard cover. I read through them all. I couldn't put them down. I was there at midnight to pick up Order of the Phoenix,and I stayed up until 6:30am reading it. I then took a two hour nap and started reading again at 8:30am. I actually had Half-Blood Prince next day shipped to me. I had the mistaken belief that I could somehow hold back my need to read HBP to study for the New York Bar.

That didn't work. Luckily I had already passed my important one--that would be the one in the state I would actually be practicing in--Massachusetts. New York was just gravy...and HBP came out the weekend before I sat for the exam. I snuck a chapter or two, which just spurred my interest...and right after I finished day two of the test I was in my hotel room (because you have to sit for the NY bar in Albany, NY), I pulled out the book and began reading. Deathly Hallows I was again at my local Barnes and Noble at midnight picking it up. One of the other attorneys in the firm looked on my desk on Monday and said, "Only half way through? I thought you would be farther by now!" My response?: "This is my second time reading."

So when I heard about Pottermore, it seemed like something I had to get into. As Star Wars shaped my childhood, Harry Potter has shaped my early adulthood. There I was, trying to figure out how to maneuver just the right time to early register. Oh My God the frustration! But then afer I missed the fourth day, I found some much needed help as far as when the clues go up, and then some lovely guesswork got me in. Can't wait to start back with class...
